Excellent article, thank you. You may be aware there's a book written by a linguistics professor who lived through WWII called Language of the Third Reich (Klemperer). It describes how the Nazis abused language in order to manipulate people, much like malwords. The use of malwords is not something that "normal" people engage in; only sociopaths use malwords.

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Thanks for feedback and glad you enjoyed. Did some research into Third Reich terms to see if there might be a similar capture of language by government, education and media elites going during the Pandemic within public discourse to silence dissent through control of language, narrative, and speech, increase public tolerance for government-sanctioned atrocity, and embolden officials to commit acts of atrocity, and that has absolutely been the case. While I lack the tools for quantifying that in the German news corpus, I have been able to follow and quantify trends in the English news corpus since WW2, and the subsequent policy actions that have taken place. It's been a very fascinating study!

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Beautifully written and clearly nascent. As hard as it is to accept, I can't see how all of this isn't deliberate at this point. Your comparison of Biden to Herod and the return to pre-Christian barbarism is spot on. I believe we are here.

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Thanks so much for your feedback. This would not be the challenge of our times if we felt equal to it. I've been following Cahn's work since The Harbinger, and the resonances are spooky though at times a little stretched. I was taken aback by the parallels between Biden and Herod-- paranoid, profligate, mendacious, corrupt, passed on his rule to his debauched sons, one who stole his brother's wife, another one a buddy of Roman emperor Caligula. You can't make this stuff up!

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Yes, his sons! I didn't even think of that. I do believe in prophecy and those whose eyes, hearts and minds are open are able to see what is occurring. I look forward to reading more of your Sub!

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This is a really gorgeous essay. I can’t claim to live up to your description of my own work, but your analysis of the moment, and your summary of Cahn’s important if sometimes vexing The Return of the Gods, are both spot on.

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Thank you for your kind words to my feeble tribute, Dr Wolf. As far as I can tell, there is no formal requirement for prophets except to deliver the message God gives them in such a time as this. You did that, and became a light burning brightly in a very dark year. Hoping that more people everywhere will be inspired by your example and deliver to their prophetic calling!

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Paganism has absolutely nothing to do with the evil that is in this world, this is just the abrahamic stick to beat pagans with yet again. The evil of this world and the humans that push it have no god or gods, they use what ever they need to push the agenda. The opinion of this rabi is pure spiritual mud slinging with no fact is history at all.

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Thanks for your feedback, which I found well-reasoned and articulate. Do you have a Substack which I could follow?

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Thank you for this. You may already know Christopher Ferrara's book Liberty: the God that Failed (2012). His theme is, [We love our country but] the U.S. has a foundational problem in being the first deliberately secular nation ever created: a nation whose government acknowledges no authority above itself. "In God we trust," etc., being small niceties. The fruits perhaps are becoming evident.

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