Nov 14, 2022Liked by Harvey Oxenhorn

Do you know of Dr Douglas Frank? Phd, scientist, researching election fraud for the past couple of years. His work is fascinating; if you get a chance to see him, do. He's on Telegram in case you are: Follow the Data with Dr Frank.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Harvey Oxenhorn

I was an election worker in Oregon. I feel that the mechanical processes were ok - picking up, sorting, opening, scanning ballots. Signature verification was ok in our county but I see from your post that some places don't bother - that's a big problem because I'd guess we returned 15% of ballots for sig correction. I think ballot harvesting, which is legal here, leaves openings for fraud. And it was proven in an Oregon court of law a couple of weeks ago that our election machines are hackable. That's where I think our cheating takes place. So we have a hopeful lawsuit going. https://www.yamhilladvocate.com/2022/11/lawsuit-filed-against-oregon-secretary-of-state-county-officials-alleging-voter-fraud-and-suppression/

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Harvey Oxenhorn

Oh, that we would be able to go to paper ballots in Pennsylvania and throughout the nation! But I am convinced it’s never going to happen here, not unless there’s some metaphorical megaton asteroid that selectively wipes out all the people in this commonwealth who have their fingers on the scale.

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